This is a picture of a Therapy room
Respiratory Therapy
Our Respiratory Therapy Department offers a wide variety of services to meet our patients' needs. Our team is experienced in cardiopulmonary and available 24/7 to provide emergency care. Your respiratory needs are important to us.
The following respiratory care services are offered:
●Ventilator Care●Bipap/Cpap Care
●Arterial Blood Gases
●Complete Pulmonary Function Tests
●Breathing Treatments
●Chest Physiotherapy
●Disease Education
●Smoking Cessation
●Pulmonary Rehabilitation
●Cardiac Rehab
●Sleep Studies
Our department also operates the Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation department.
Contact Information
Lori True, RN, RRT, Director400 W. 8th
P.O. Box 399
Beloit, KS 67420
Phone: 785-738-9525
Fax: 785-738-9278